- Corporate / Business
- Sales & Acquisitions
- Secured Transactions
Real Estate
- Club Membership Plans and Offerings
- Co-Tenancy Arrangements
- Commercial, Residential (Homebuilding), Hotel, Country Club, Retail and Industrial Transactions
- Construction Agreements
- Consulting and Brokerage Agreements
- Debt and Lease Restructurings and Workouts
- Department of Real Estate Matters
- Development and Improvement Agreements
- Easements and CC&Rs
- Environmental Indemnities
- Hotel and Club Management Agreements
- Joint Ventures (LLCs and Partnerships)
- Limited Partnership and LLC Offerings
- Portfolio and Stock-Based Acquisitions of Real Estate Companies
- Purchases, Sales, Options and Exchanges
- Sale-Leasebacks
Commercial Leasing
- Commercial, Industrial, Office and Retail Leasing
Land Use
- Annexations and Incorporations
- Development Agreements
- Entitlements / General Plan, Specific Plan, Zoning
- Exactions
- Government Relations
- Infrastructure Financing
- School Mitigation
- Subdivisions
Environment and Natural Resources
- Administrative Law
- California Coastal Act
- Climate Change
- Compliance and Permitting
- Endangered Species
- National Historic Preservation Act
- Public Policy and Legislation
- Wetlands / Clean Water Act
Public Financing
- Assessment Districts
- Community Services Districts and County Service Areas
- Mello-Roos Districts
- Tax Increment